Sunday, February 28, 2010

What do you do?

Why can't things ever be easy and go the way they are supposed to go?
M is about to finish up two weeks at rehab and the report we received on Friday was not so good.
I won't go into specifics, but it was enough to really make us say "what the hell?" Why is she so determined to screw up her life? Where have we gone wrong? What did we do wrong?
All of these thoughts are then replaced with OMG, we are just going to have to lock her up and throw away the key to keep her safe.
Now I know that is not reasonable and not going to happen, but as a parent you want to protect and fix things.
We go today for our first "visiting day". It should be interesting. She has no idea we have had the update and that we are beyond angry and scared. We have vacillated between all of us going or just David and myself. Do we expose the siblings to anymore of this crap or allow all three of them to see each other. They all three separately have made comments about wanting to see each other.
It should make for an interesting day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you didn't get a good update. Here's hoping today's visit will ignite a passion in M to start living a healthy and thriving life. My thoughts are with you and I'm sending all the ***strength vibes*** I have. {{{hugs}}}
